new client information
What to expect...
Are you a new client? I can't wait to meet you! Here's a bit about what to expect.
The experience starts when you click “Book Now”. If you're unsure of what to book, take a look at my available services, or you can schedule a complimentary consultation with me.
Fill out your new client intake form here!
When you arrive and we begin your appointment, I'll walk you through a 15-minute consultation process. We will plan out not just your first visit but a long-term plan to ensure all of your goals are met. This process is collaborative, so don't be afraid to share your ideas, like, and dislikes - and if you have photos, this is the time to show them!
If you're here for color, a formula will be custom blended for you and recorded in my digital database so that it's always ready and waiting at each visit.
If you're here for a haircut, I'll create a cut perfect for your face shape, lifestyle and overall goals. Styling tips and tricks are always shared and extended styling lessons are always available if you want to learn easy DIY updo's or fun curling techniques.
I'll wrap up the visit by sharing our recommendations for at-home care and set you up with your next appointment.
See what other clients are saying!
Ready to start something with me?
Not sure what to book? Shoot me an email using the form below or book yourself a complimentary Consultation. It always helps for me to be able to see and touch your hair to make a good recommendation for your color service!